Whatcha reading?

I’ve discovered a ton of great resources lately, here’s a quick run down for anyone interested.

Screen Shot 2017-03-23 at 11.46.42 AM 1. ‘The Motivation Equationis my top pick. From the first page it breaks down how to capture student motivation, each chapter unpacks the concept in beautiful detail. A great read, you can find it here.

2. I love this woman. Her blog is a beautiful rabbit hole that I wound up losing two days of my life to. You’ve been warned.

3. ‘Turning Student Groups into Effective Teams‘ is another online resource, something I wish I had this article four years ago when we first started. It explores step by step how to structure and manage effective team work. All resources are included in the appendix. Find it here.

Screen Shot 2017-03-23 at 11.45.46 AM4. Both a book and a websiteMaking thinking visiable‘ has some fantastic practical strategies. And when I say some, I mean more than you’ll ever be able to use. It also has strategies for shifting culture on a whole school level. I’m so energised reading this at the moment, I’m itching to get back in the classroom and start using them!

5. Lucky last for the moment, Johnny and I are reading this one together. It has sparked so many interesting conversations already and we’re only a few chapters in – ‘Authentic learning experiences’.

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